
The XR Access Symposium is the biggest event anywhere dedicated to making XR accessible, and our sponsors make it possible.

What is the XR Access Symposium?

The XR Access Symposium is an annual conference aimed at connecting the many stakeholders who need to work together in order to make XR more accessible for disabled people. The first Symposium was held in New York City in 2019 and brought together more than 120 thought leaders from industry, academia, accessibility, and advocacy to create actionable plans to solve the unique accessibility challenges posed by XR. While the Symposium went online-only during the pandemic, we’re proud to have returned to a hybrid conference format starting in 2023.

The Symposium is a mixture of plenary talks, discussion groups, and hands-on demonstrations that enables thorough knowledge transfer. Our conference community includes an international and interdisciplinary mixture of researchers, industry professionals, and disability advocates. Based on prior attendance, we anticipate 100-150 in-person attendees and 200-300 remote attendees.

Two people shake hands while a third smiles and looks on.
Liv Erickson, a woman in a black dress, leads a large breakout group, multiple tables surrounded by seated attendees.
A woman in a dark dress smiles while trying a VR experience

Sponsorship Tiers

XR Access sponsorship table, detailing benefits per tier. See Sponsorship page for details.

Our sponsorship tiers and their required donations are listed below. Donations can be monetary or in-kind.

Platinum: $50,000+ USD

  • 3 minute presentation slot during the Symposium
  • Naming rights for a conference activity of comparable value (for example, “The [Company] Reception”)
  • Largest, most prominent logo on conference website
  • All Bronze, Silver, and Gold benefits

Gold: $25,000 USD

  • Logo added to event swag
  • 1 minute presentation slot during the Symposium
  • All Bronze and Silver benefits

Silver: $10,000 USD

  • Booth at all poster and demo sessions
  • All Bronze benefits

Bronze: $5,000 USD

  • Acknowledgement during opening and closing ceremonies
  • Acknowledgement on social media
  • Logo and company name presented on website

More Ways to Support XR Access

You can make a one-time or recurring monetary donation of any size to support XR Access’s work. Your donation supports XR Access’s programs, research, and overall sustainability. Donations are processed by XR Access’s parent organization, Cornell University.